book recommendations
to come...
I gave in and admitted that God was God.
-------With an excellent Pirates score release this past week, I decided to devote my first entry to Hans Zimmer and Stephen Schwartz's The Prince of Egypt (1998) collaboration. Hans Zimmer's score contributions are beautiful, particularly "The Burning Bush", a haunting track that perfectly captures the exhilarating, but gentle, brilliance and intrigue of God. Stephen Schwartz contributes some powerful songs to the soundtrack, "Deliver Us" being the highlight. Coming in a close second, "When You Believe" builds from a gentle prayer to a illustrious exclamation of the freedom found when one believes in releasing power of God.
"Ashirra ladonai ki gaoh gaah!
(I will sing to the lord for he has triumphed gloriously!)"
The Prince of Egypt is an excellent soundtrack that boasts the best of both Hans Zimmer and Stephen Schwartz. (06/06/07)
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* - denotes first viewing
italics - DVD/VHS
April 7 -- TMNT*
April 7 -- The Lookout*
April 15 -- Blades of Glory*
April 16 -- Grindhouse*
April 20 -- Hot Fuzz*
May 4 -- Spiderman 3*
May 4 -- Disturbia*
May 16 -- Bobby (2006)*
May 16 -- Little Children (2006)*
May 18 -- Idiocracy (2006)*
May 18 -- The Fountain (2006)*
May 19 -- 28 Weeks Later*
May 20 -- Jackass: The Movie (2006)*
May 21 -- Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
May 22 -- Marie Antionette (2006)
May 25 -- Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End*
May 29 -- Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
May 30 -- Knocked Up*
June 9 -- Knocked Up
June 10 -- Barton Fink (1991)*
June 12 -- Rushmore (1998)*
June 17 -- Rushmore (1998)
June 17 -- Watership Down (1978)*
June 18 -- Grave of the Fireflies (1988)*
June 27 - Mulholland Drive (2001)*
July 8 -- Ratatouille*
July 8 -- Transformers*
July 13 -- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (IMAX)*
July 14 -- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
July 16 -- Ran (1985)* (part of it)
July 17 -- Ikiru (1952)*
July 18 -- Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban (2004)
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- I don't have time to write about every film I see, so I'm setting this up so I can score them without writing much (if anything) on them. Since editing this, I have changed a few of my film scores in order to better fit into the developed ripped-off structure (thank you Jeffrey Overstreet).
A+ :: bloody paradigm
A :: almost a bloody paradigm
A- :: distinguished
B+ :: excellent
B :: impressive
B- :: above average
C+ :: more interesting than boring
C :: more boring than interesting
C- :: butt-numbing nuisance
D :: rubbish
F :: wtf?
bold = favorite
28 Days Later [2003] :: A
28 Weeks Later [2007] :: A-
A -------
B -------
Barton Fink [1991] :: A-
Blades of Glory [2007] :: B+
Bobby [2006] :: B
C -------
D -------
Disturbia [2007] :: B+
E -------
F -------
The Fountain [2006] :: B
G -------
Grindhouse [2007]
---Planet Terror :: B
---Death Proof :: A
H -------
Harry Potter
---Sorcerer's Stone :: eventually...
---Chamber of Secrets :: eventually...
---Prizoner of Azkaban :: A-
---Goblet of Fire :: B
---Order of the Phoenix :: B+
Hot Fuzz [2007] :: A-
I -------
Idiocracy [2006] :: C
J -------
Jackass: The Movie [2007] :: B-
K -------
Knocked Up [2007] :: A-
L -------
Little Children [2007] :: B+
The Lookout [2007] :: A
M -------
Marie Antoinette [2006] :: A-
N -------
A Night to Remember [1958] :: B+
O -------
P -------
Pan's Labyrinth [2007]
---first viewing :: B
---second viewing :: A-
Pirates of the Caribbean [2003, 2006, 2007]
---Curse of the Black Pearl :: B+
---Dead Man's Chest :: B
---At World's End :: C
Q -------
R -------
Ratatouille [2007] :: A+
Rushmore [1998] :: A
S -------
Spiderman [2002] :: A-
Spiderman 2 [2004] :: A+
Spiderman 3 [2007] :: B-
T -------
Titanic [1997] :: B
TMNT [2007] :: C
U -------
V -------
W -------
X -------
Y -------
Z -------
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