I gave in and admitted that God was God.


children of men

My second favorite film (the first being United 93) of last year, Children of Men, comes out tuesday on DVD. Do whatever you can to get your hands on it. Buy it, rent it, or, if you have no money, steal it from a gleaming film snob walking out of Walmart. He will probably weep and go into a state of depression and anxiety for a few minutes and then finally go in and buy another one, but its all good. He will eventually come to terms with the traumatic experience and sooth himself with the thought that he too would viciously yank the film out of another film snob's hands if he had no money to buy it for himself.

You have no excuses.


Phillip said...

I saw Children of Men in a theater with stadium seating all by myself ... I was the only person in the theater. It was a glorious experience, but I walked out not liking the film that much.

Being a "film snob" I bought it on Tuesday (against my better judgement because I KNOW they will come out with a two disc mega edition or something), watched it again, and realized the amazing artistry that went into it. Its astounding and got totally mistreated at the Oscars.

But I still think that its a poorly written propoganda piece. It would have been so much better if they would have stuck with PD James' book. I didn't expect them too, though.

raymond said...

You know, I haven't read the book yet, so I can't really comment on whether its a good adaption (from what I hear, and from what you've said, it isn't). But I hadn't read the book, so my vision of it is completely devoid of the book's story line.

I have always been a purist and think that the book should be read before the movie is seen. But maybe, just maybe, it was better that I hadn't? I don't know yet. I bought the book, so I'll read it this summer. As a movie though, it was excellent. I sympathize though with those of you who did read the book and the movie didn't line with it. That is always frustrating.

Being the half-witted bloke I am, I missed the propaganda. How was it propagandistic? Was it about war? Iraq?

Global warming...?

I DO know that the extra feature on the DVD about global warming pissed me off. It had some excellent points on how fear is used to manipulate people, and then it went right into using that tactic by bludgeoning us with the half-ass "the earth has a fever" crap. I think its great that people want to take care of the earth, but seriously...if we think for a minute that that is what their goal is, then we are being fooled. Whether or not the earth is warming up and is going to explode into oblivion doesn't matter when it takes precedence over God. Global warming is merely a tactic to eliminate the power of God out of the picture so that they can attain that power (through fear) over us and our money. There is already a global warming tax in the making. Its all about money and power.

Dangit! I have completely ranted about global warming when I told myself I would refrain....dangit, dangit, dangit!

I'm sorry you had to hear all that...