I gave in and admitted that God was God.


across the universe

"Music is the only thing that makes any sense anymore man. Play it loud enough, it keeps the demons at bay."
I saw this trailer in front of The Hoax this weekend. The music blew me away. Although aesthetically a pleasant ripoff of Moulin Rouge, I am apprehensive about the movie as a whole because it wreaks with irresponsible hippie attitudes. But I am 100% sure that I'll be buying the soundtrack the day it comes out. I love the Beatles, and these renditions of their songs are beyond beautiful, particularly "Hey Jude" (my second favorite Beatles song behind "Yellow Submarine").

So stoked.

"Hey Jude, don't make it bad.
Take a sad song and make it better.
Remember to let her into your heart,
Then you can start to make it better."

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