I gave in and admitted that God was God.


Is Harry going to die?

This question has been poking and taunting Harry Potter fans for several years now. But here we are, a mere two months from the answer, and I am rather nervous about it to be perfectly frank. After the stunt Rowling pulled in Half-Blood Prince (anyone who has read the book knows what I'm talking about) anything is possible at the moment. But, for time-wasting's sake I present a prediction, or two...or three (maybe even ten).

-------July 13 2007:
(1) Order of the Phoenix turns out to be most satisfactory blockbuster/"sequel" among the botched bunch of 2007.

-------July 21 2007:
(2) Harry Potter dies.

(3) Neville dies.

(4) Ron and Hermione profess their love for each other, get married (during battle), explicitly consummate it (during battle) and then die. (ha, just kidding...........they live and she's pregnant and they vow to name their child Harry, boy or girl).

(5) Voldemort (bless his black soul) is a goner as well. But only after he confesses that he is Harry's real father. Harry starts to cry, Voldemort starts to cry, they hug, Harry chokes Voldemort, then Harry commits suicide by wand (see #2).

(6) The only person who lives (for sure) is Ginny. I mean, where's the drama without a damsel in distress left behind, huh? Last page of book:

"Hermione, I'm pregnant," said Ginny. "And I think its Harry's."

"You think its Harry's?" questions Hermione.

The end.

-------July 2010:
(7) J.K. Rowling publishes Harry Potter, Jr and the Philosopher's Boulder.

-------July 2021:
(8) Seven books/movies later: Harry Potter, Jr and the Horny Hallows:
Draco Malfoy to Harry Potter, Jr: "I am your father!"
Draco Malfoy to Harry Weasley (a girl): "I am your father!"
Ron to Hermione: "I knew it! Her and her white hair!"
Hermione to Ron: "It was an accident!"
Snape to Hermione: "I am your father!"
Harry Weasley to Harry Potter, Jr: "I'm pregnant."

The end.

-------July 2030:
(9) The workings of Harry Malfoy-Potter the First and the Philosopher's Planet are found charred and burning under the charred, burning, and assassinated body of J.K. Rowling in the tower of her Hogwart's Castle looming 2500 ft. over Oxfordshire, England.

-------July 3000:
(10) James Cameron (having found Jesus' Tomb, the Tree of Life, and Middle Earth) is still thriving physically and financially at 146 years. He finds Platform 9 and 3/4, but dies soon there after due to head trauma caused by constantly running into brick walls on the off chance that he'd make it through. His body is thrown into the ocean, but his heart goes on.

You'll see. That is what is going to happen. All in due course, my friends. All in due course.


Nate said...

Best. Post. Ever.

raymond said...

Hahaha. It's posts like these that make me cringe and slap myself on the hand when I wake up the next morning. I'd blame it on being drunk or being high, but I don't drink or smoke pot.

Its pure psychotic intoxication, I guess. :)