I gave in and admitted that God was God.


new "features" ------->

2007 film chronicle - what I've been watching

film review archive - I don't have time to write about every film I see, so I'm setting this up so I can score them without writing much (if anything) on them. Since editing this, I have changed a few of my film scores in order to better fit into the developed ripped-off structure (thank you Jeffrey Overstreet).

music recommendations - I am a soundtrack whore. I'll update this whenever I go out and pay to get laid (by the music, of course) or happen to be getting the mentioned euphoric service from the soundtracks I already own.

book recommendations - This will rarely get updated because I rarely have time to read, but when I do read something that I like or remember having read something that I liked, I will put it in here. I rarely finish reading something I am not enjoying, so those that I put in here are recommendations, and any "must-reads" will be marked clearly.


Nate said...

Looking forward to those recommendations! I'm a bit of a soundtrack geek myself. I just recently shelled out for a Maurice Jarre LP because it wasn't available on CD. I seemed to forget that I don't own a record player. Guess I'll have to get one of those now.

raymond said...

Anything for music, right? I'm impulsive and will buy anything that sounds good regardless of its cost. My bank account suffers from this weakness of mine. I haven't yet needed to buy a record player, but I wouldn't doubt that I would if it became "necessary". So I hear you there.

What soundtrack is it?

Thanks for stopping by!

Nate said...

What soundtrack is it?

It's for a 1965 film called The Collector, one of my favorite psychological dramas. Jarre's music is heartbreaking: gentle, lyrical, childlike, as if to counterbalance the film's (rather horrific) subject matter. I've always loved Jarre's sweeping orchestral scores (Lawrence of Arabia, Ryan's Daughter), but his quieter, subtler work hasn't quite gotten the attention it deserves.

Thanks for stopping by!

My pleasure!