I gave in and admitted that God was God.


Happy Fourth of July!

This is when everybody should stop complaining (like this and this) and acknowledge the fact that they otherwise have the FREEDOM to do so. Please, America can't be all bad. Think positive (for one day)!

And of course, what would we do without YouTube...?

Get your groove on. It's INDEPENDENCE DAY!


maryt/theteach said...

Oh wow, raymond, Perry Como!? But I like your patriotic sentiments...:)

raymond said...

I know, I know, its Perry Como...but gosh darn, its PERRY COMO!

I have sentiments for the 1940s and and everyone from it. If I could go back in time, I have no doubt which decade I'd choose...

Anyway, ya...Perry Como...isn't he COOL??

"Papa loves Mambo! Ugh!"
