I gave in and admitted that God was God.


Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Dead World's End (2003, 2006, 2007)

So I am too lazy to write much of anything on Pirates.

I liked the first one. I liked the second one. But the anticipated finale, At World's End, ends its own world (forgive me). It's nothing like the other two. I fell asleep the first time. I fell asleep the second time. I don't like paying ten bucks to sleep.

It wasn't all a snooze-fest, though. The boat tipping was fun, the music was beautiful, and the demise of the British "villian" is fascinating to look at.

But I say stay home. Your bed is more comfortable and DVD's can be fast-forwarded.

Curse of the Black Pearl [2003] :: B+
Dead Man's Chest [2006] :: B
At World's End [2007] :: C-


maryt/theteach said...

Oh dear, I like Johnny Depp so much and I've watched Pirates 1 and 2 and will probably watch Pirates 3. Was it really worth only a C?

raymond said...

I love Johnny Depp too. His scenes are pointless most of the time, but probably the most interesting of the entire movie. He makes funny faces and prances humorously. And that makes me happy.

But I think you can get the essence of his performance on DVD. The rest of the film is so trite and overly soaked in pirate garble that the whole charade turns into a nails-on-chalkboard experience.

I suggest you see Waitress instead. Or, if you can handle intense crudeness, Knocked Up. I liked Knocked UP so much I am seeing it again tomorrow.

I saw Pirates twice, but that's only because my friend had to get it out of his system, and as hard as I might...he wouldn't listen to me. But now he agrees. It blew.